This and That Newsletter
Vol 23  Issue 1,174     Circulation 5,000      July 25, 2019
Ardmore, Oklahoma
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Weeks Brothers Hardware - Ardmore

In a little frame structure on Court Street, Weeks Brothers begin their business career in Ardmore five years ago last May. That was an 1895. Since that time the city has grown, but not as rapidly as has the business of this firm which is composed of S. A. and B. H. Weeks. The family left their native state Indiana in 1872 for Kansas, where they remained until 1890, when they decided to come South, selecting Texas as holding out many inducements to the newcomer, and finally, the two brothers named came to the Indian Territory and embarked in the hardware business here as before stated. In the old country before a man can set up a business for himself, he is obliged to serve a certain number of years as an apprentice in some well-established shop, and directly directly under the vigilant eye of a master of the trade he may select to follow for his livelihood. But here in America, anybody can recommend himself as being master of any business or trade, with nothing back of it save an abundance of self-assurance. For these reasons, the man who is self sure  enough skilled mechanic is in demand. Weeks Brothers are past masters in the art of plumbing and tin work. Seventeen long years of practical experience under the careful supervision of their father, have made them imminently qualified to undertake any kind of work which will ever be demanded of men in their line of Greater Ardmore.

The plumbing and tin work in many of the finest buildings in Ardmore we're done by this firm. In their store, a casual inspection will disclose hardware for all of men's many needs in the greatest profusion. Shelf and builder's hardware, stoves, pumps, windmills, gas pipe, pipe fittings, brass goods, and a thousand and one things that cannot be classified under any particular head. In fact, a stock as complete as any to be found in these parts. The brothers are wide awake, progressive men in the fullest sense of the word, they knew what they were about when they located here, and like most other thinking people, have unbounded faith in Ardmore. -Indian Territory and Carter County Pioneers book 1982

June 1959
Some 400 persons were on hand Sunday May 31st for the formal opening and dedication of the new Capt. Horace Sayre Army Reserve Center on South Commerce. Eighteen members of the old Ardmore original Company E 111th Engineer Regiment were in attendance. The company saw action in France during World War 1. Captain Sayre is credited with raising and commanding the unit until it's the deactivation in 1919.

June 1935
Building of native stone seems to be an epidemic in this section of the state. The latest under construction is the Huel Pruitt near Lone Grove to be used as a filling station and grocery store.

June 1935
Dewberry and blackberry growers in the Lone Grove area are happy over prospects of one of the largest crops ever produced in an area that long has been noted for berry production. There is also an abundance of fruit, especially peaches and pit fruits.

June 1935
Mrs. Cole Johnson is reported to be quite ill at her home west of Lone Grove. She recently underwent a serious operation but appears to be recovering.

June 1935
Mrs. Connie Johnson, Prairie Prairie Valley: "If people want to know where the dust storms come from, let them read the 28th chapter of Deuteronomy, also Micah 7:17, Leviticus 26, and see why God had to send the dust storms.

Q.  Where in Oklahoma is the Butterfly Forest?
A.   The butterfly Papillion is located in Muskogee, Oklahoma

Q.  What street sign was invented in Oklahoma and used in every state?
A.  Answer in next week's newsletter

Robert Hensley sent in a picture of a matchbook with Truitt's Cafe advertising on it. All we know is the cafe was located on South Commerce in Ardmore. Anyone know the exact location?

Some grave stones I made the past week.

Below is from This and That newsletter archives of July 26, 2007

"Red Farrell had a grocery store before the curve going into Healdton. He had a son, John Henry Hank Farrell, class of 1963."
Hi Butch, For those who are looking for a peaceful, quiet getaway, let me tell you about Cedar Lake. This 86 acre lake is nestled in the hills north of Talimena Drive. Head north on hwy. 271 out of Talihina, go 10 miles, turn east on Holson Valley Road, drive 17 miles and you will find yourself deep in the Ouachita Forest. This quiet refuge has just undergone some major renovations, new bathhouses, clean camping, sandy swim areas and oh so peaceful. With a lake this small no large boats or jet skis are allowed, which makes it wonderful for those of us searching for a relaxing day in the sun or a few nights under the stars. Beware of evil squirrels though if you camp out and leave any food on your picnic table. Those little devils even attacked my Bible that I had left out. 3 pages of Mark had to be gathered up and taped back into place. Maybe they wanted to feed on the word, I'm not sure. But they seem to love marshmallows, graham crackers, plums and bread. My 5 year old daughter had me write a note to leave for the next campers to warn them of mean squirrels. I hope you like the pictures!" -Karen Pierce
The Wilson News 2-11-1915
"Talk Of Moving Oil Field Town"
There seems to be no little dissatisfaction over the prices of leased lots in the oil field town of Wirt, and a new town has been laid out nearby. The new town will be called Dundee and it is stated that several of the merchants of Wirt have already purchased lots. However, the situation seems to be somewhat mixed. The editor of The News, during a recent visit to the field, talked with some of the merchants of Wirt about the report that the town was soon to be moved and while some were inclined to think a move would be made others said that the story was circulated that the prices of leases would be materially raised for the coming year, and this was the cause of the talk of moving the town. At the same time we were informed that there was no foundation for the story that lease prices would be raised, and that renewals were being made on the old basis. It looks, however, as though there might be a rival town spring up, especially if the new townsite company have gone as far in their operations as reported.

The Wilson News 7-14-1915
"Dundee To Have School"
The citizens of the new town of Dundee in the Healdton oil field have joined hands with the people of the school district in which it is located and voted bonds in the sum of $18,000 for the building of a brick school building in the new town. Out of a total of 134 votes cast in the town, 133 were in favor of the issue. The bonds will be sold at once and work on the new buiding commenced. The district has plenty of wealth and the building is in no way an extravagance. - The Ringling News

*** Contributor's note: Dundee and Wirt, a.k.a. Ragtown, are W of Healdton. Dundee was named in honor of the Dundee Petroleum Company. The old school building is gone, but has been commemorated with a monument.

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

While surfing the web looking for Images of the oldest and tallest Water Towers in Oklahoma I ran across this image of the Water Tower in Ralston, Pawnee County, Oklahoma. it is purported to be the oldest still in use water Tower in Oklahoma. Built in 1911 by the Chicago Bridge and Iron Works Company. It has a Fire bell attached to it. I thought you may want to add it to you list of bells. As you may know Water Towers are fast disappearing Dinosaurs from our landscape. I think it would be really nice if you could start a list of images of Water Towers in Oklahoma. -Larry Paul
Butch, Mr Eddie Plume left a further legacy with J. C. Penney beyond Ardmore. His son, John, and grandson, Mark, became JC Penney managers also. My personal career with JC Penney began at Ardmore in August 1970 and lasted for 38 years across many states. John Plume was a great mentor for me.
-Larry Walck, Pelham, Alabama

Butch, In follow-up to my earlier email today. Please find attached photos of Ardmore's old J.C. Penny store at 221 W Main. These are from the JCP corporate archives. -Larry Walck

You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time. -Abraham Lincoln

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges

"Friends Make Life Worth Living"
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443
Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
Oklahoma Bells:
Bill Hamm's Cemetery Database
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter County Government Website

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