This and That Newsletter
A Weekly Publication

Vol 17  Issue 833      Circulation 5,000       January 10, 2013

PO Box 11

Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

email address:  [email protected]


I was watching the Katie Curic Show the other day and she had a couple psychics on her show. We all hear about these psychics from time to time. I remember one nationally famous psychic, Jean Dixon, during the 1960s and her daily syndicated columns in the newspapers across the country. Also at the beginning of each year the newspapers in December would publish her predictions for the coming new year. She made dozens of predictions, and yes, 2 or 3 would come true, so I guess she was psychic.  LOL

Personally I think psychics are one brick short of a load, but we did have one psychic in our area who lived in Ada, Oklahoma who intrigued me.  I can not explain it, but in 1930 he solved a murder in Madill that law enforcement could not solve. Here is what The Daily Ardmoreite printed about the man:

Mystic finds body of a man who disappeared from his home near Madill on the night of October 7, 1930. Alton Edgar, a 34 year old Marshall county farmer, was found by Ada psychic Ed Kelley in a ravine south of Madill with a bullet wound in his head.

Here is the complete story, very interesting to say the least.

I did some research and found a Joseph E. Kelley living on North Broadway in Ada in 1934. My educated guess is this is the same Ed Kelley in the article.

In April 2009 I discovered a website that monitors over 200,000 questionable websites worldwide, and blocks those bad guys 24 hours a day from personal computers. There are 60 categories OpenDNS monitors and stop them in their tracks, before they every pop up on your computer.  You are able to customize it to block only sites (categories) you want blocked. This is a screenshot of our OpenDNS and its settings:

The FREE service is called OpenDNS. We have had it monitoring our internet at home since 2009 with no problems, works flawlessly. It sure is nice to have the peace of mind that OpenDNS protects us from those harmful websites with bad intentions. And an added plus, our internet even speeded up after we started using OpenDNS because you use their DNS instead of your internet provider's DNS numbers!

Last week a new feature was added to the district attorney website. It is a list of people with outstanding bogus checks warrants, both felony and misdemeanor. Felony warrants are listed in bold text. Just click on the words "Outstanding Warrants" on the right side of the screen to view the list. The listing is for 5 counties- Carter, Love, Marshall, Johnston and Murray.

After about a 3 week wait because of it being out of stock at Jill finally got her Christmas present from me.  She's had it about a week and loves it.  It's primarily for internet use which is exactly what she wanted it for when sitting in the recliner watching TV in the evenings, etc. But if your a diehard Microsoft fan, it might not be for you. It's a Samsung Chromebook with a Google Chrome operating system, and Chrome web browser.  But all in all, its is a fantastic laptop.  We may have to get another just for me!  lol

We bought ours on Amazon for $249 including shipping.

Q. What city in Oklahoma issued the nation's first tornado warning and when?

A. The nation’s first “tornado warning” was issued March 25, 1948 in Oklahoma City minutes before a devastating tornado struck Tinker Air Force Base. Because of the warning, no lives were lost.

Q. What state has the most manmade lakes?
A.  (answer in next week's T&T)

From This and That newsletter archives of January 8, 1999:

"Thanks for the Kingston Info. Have you ever considered putting something in the newsletter about the time the Beatles stayed at the Goddard Ranch (north of Ardmore) back in the 1960's? I heard they stayed there while doing their Dallas tour. I don't know it to be a fact but the source who told me is pretty reliable."
"...found this old clipping of my dad when he was custom harvesting and was a member of the Oklahoma Flying Farmers. Any of your readers ever pass over this old clipping? It didn't have a date or what newspaper it came out of. Would love to hear from anyone who might have known my dad during those custom harvesting days (probably in the 1940s or so) and would love to hear from anyone who knew him when he was the Democratic State Chairman in the early 1960s." -Linda McGill The Okie Legacy


Gas prices today in the Ardmore area......

Check gas prices by town or zip code anywhere in U.S.

Some mail from this week's MAILBAG.....

"Hi Butch - Maybe some of your Readers would be interested in our latest addition - the 'Ken-Cliff Lanes Hall of Fame'. Info & pix are posted on our website & Facebook pages (links below). A very long overdue Thank You for the nice piece you published about this little venture on 4/29/10. The site's hit counter went tee-totally-crazy that day! The website has grown some since then, and business had been good. It's been great fun (and a lot of work). Funny how those go hand-in-hand, eh? Many thanks."  -Glenn

"Just thought I would let you know I finished reading the book The Nations last night. Really enjoyed it a lot. Got it on my Kindle for 2.99 (Amazon Kindle Book Website). It was worth it." -Karla Johnson, Ardmore
If you have a vehicle older than 2012 do not put E15 gas in it. It will damage your engine. 10 car manufacturers say they will not honor the warranty on a car damaged by using E15 gas.
"Butch: I've re-read the old T&T and believe the clip about the mountain lion crossing Hwy 70 is the reason it's so widely read. This is interesting to people all over the country; they're always searching for stories like this."  -james clark, Ardmore
E15 gasoline, do not buy or use.
"I visited Turner Falls and the Chickasaw National Park this week with my two teens for a little winter respite. As we were returning to the Dallas area and reached Thackerville, I told my children about Brown Springs and was trying to remember exactly were it was, I was also unaware that it had a name. The last time I visited was about 40 years ago (but I do have a photographic memory). So when I got home, I did a google search for old cemeteries in Thackerville and found your accounting of Brown Springs located exactly how I remember it. I too had heard rumors over the years of bad things going on in that area including drug use and suspected Satanic rituals.

Would you like to know the history of it as I know it that came from my mother who was born in 1922?

My grandfather, Charles Edward Pulte of Gainesville, TX (born before 1900) once owned the property. He was the one who tapped the spring installing the pipes where the water flows now. Charlie Pulte's father John August Pulte was one of the founders of Muenster, TX arriving from Germany here in the mid 1800's coming through Canada. Charlie owned Schad & Pulte, (a Walmart concept of the time but called "hardware" that closed in the late 1970's) once the largest business in Cooke County, directly across the square from the county courthouse. The following story about the beginnings of the cemetery is how it was told to me.

There was an Indian tribe (sorry I do not know which one) in the area and the chief had identical twin daughters who reached marrying age. The chief had chosen husbands for his daughters and they did not agree with his choice. So he struck a deal with them that if they could dance from sun down to sun up, they could choose their own husbands. The chief did not know at the time that both girls had heart defects and before sun up, they both died on the spot. As was the indian tradition at the time, the twin's graves were marked with juniper trees that stay green year round and to the tribe signified eternal life. The two trees were surrounded with a wall of rock in a circle around them. Settlers later also buried their dead there and thus created "Brown Springs" as you referred to it.

When I visited the cemetery with my mother at around age 12 sometime about 1969, there had been tornados in the area recently and the two large juniper trees had been uprooted, but some of the rock wall remained along with some headstones. It's so sad that this spot has been so abused and much of it's history apparently lost. If you can verify the story as I know it, that would be inspirational! One more detail I remembered; The twin Junipers that were surrounded by the rock wall were on the south east side of the cemetery, or to the right as you entered from the road. I wonder of any of the rock wall remains?"

Elizabeth Hobbs Krenik
Garland, TX

"Butch, Thank you for sending me the “This and That” news letter every week. I enjoy it so much. But so much for the sugar on grapefruit, I never used it. Try SALT. Just a sprinkle will be sweeter than you can imagine."
"If you want to try a good burger in Tishomingo... Blue River Ribs, which is located off Blue River Road about 5 miles east of Tish then north on Bullard Chapel Road going towards the Blue River. You might want to GPS it because you can drive right by it and NEVER see it. If you go, order a cheeseburger with grilled onions and friend zucchini (outstanding)." -Ryan Austin  GPS: 34.272461, -96.618563
Blue River Ribs, 7050 South Bullard Chapel Road, Tishomingo, OK (580) 443-5476
"Really enjoyed the WKY history on today's T&T. Here's something you may not know - Ed (my brother) and me played a duet on WKY radio when we were about 12 and 13 years old. Danny Williams (of 3D Danny fame) had us on the show. He watched as we played and gave the listeners a critique of how we were playing: Blindfolded and with a sheet on the piano keys. He was impressed that we could do that. Thanks for bringing back a good memory of my earlier years growing up in Davis." -Poss
"Hi Butch, This issue, pix of Main street showing and mention of Emmett T. Foster's store, tobacco, candy, etc. the smallest business in Ardmore, hardly eight feet frontage on the street. Fully open to passers-by who could buy from the sidewalk or walk in, but only a few steps. Half block away, early '30s my G-Father's office on NE corner of B street and Main over Frame's Drug store, across from the Palace picture show. He thought well of E.T. Foster but us kids considered him an old crab who kept running us off." -Bob McCrory
The Peking Acrobats will be performing at the Washington Theatre on January 24, 2013. Watch this little clip for a taste of the show… it is amazing! All seats reserved. Call 580 223-5821 for reservations.

Just Walking in the Rain - 1952

Just walking in the rain
Getting soaking wet
Torturing my heart by trying to forget

Just walking in the rain
So alone and blue
All because my heart still remembers you

See everyone next week!
Butch and Jill Bridges
Nashobish Ikana
PO Box 11
Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells:
American Flyers Memorial Fund - Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website
Ardmore School Criterions

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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